2020 ICL Alumni Awards Nominations
The Institute for Change Leaders Alumni Association is excited to open nominations for our second annual ALUMNI AWARDS! This is a chance to celebrate the hard work and successes of our incredible community of organizers and activists.

Do you know of a group, or has a group *you're* involved with, used our curriculum to achieve social change? We want to hear from YOU!

Use this survey to nominate a campaign, group or activist for our awards. Nominate in as many categories as you like.

*We encourage you* to self-nominate!

Awards will be presented online at our Institute’s anniversary celebration on November 12 at 6:00 pm EST.

Nominations will close on October 18, 2020

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Organization/Group/Campaign *
Are you self-nominating, or nominating on behalf of someone else? *
Award Categories
Storytelling for Change Award
For the most effective and powerful public narrative and communications work.

Strategic Win for Change Award
For campaigns that accomplished their strategic goals and won a real victory for social change.

Team Building for Change Award
For campaigns that built power and new capacities through effective recruitment, deep relationship-building, and leadership development.

Youth for Change Award
For youth (under the age of 19) who organized and brought people together to achieve change in the face of uncertainty.
Which Award you would like to submit a nomination for? [You can select multiple categories, just make sure you complete all the relevant sections below]. *
What is the organizing sentence? e.g. We/They organized (Who) to (What Outcome) through (How) by (When). *
What was the public narrative? (the story of why you/they organized for change, the story of the community you/they brought together, and the story of why the community must act right now) *
What was the outcome of the campaign? *
How did the Institute for Change Leaders help the campaign? *
What were the key lesson or lessons learned from the campaign? *
How did the campaign build a strong and empowered team? [Only complete if nominating for Team Building for Change Award]
How will the experience of being as an activist and organizer prepare you (or the nominee) for the future? [Only complete if nominating for For Youth for Change Award]
Do you have any examples of creative or effective ways the campaign's story was told? (i.e. through social media, videos, art, etc). Please feel free to share any relevant URLs, Dropbox links, or media coverage. *
Please send any relevant files you would like to share to contact@changeleaders.ca.
Will you (or a member of the group) be available to receive the award online at ICL's Anniversary on November 12th? *
If selected, do you (or a member of the group) agree to participate in the making of a video for the award ceremony? *
Thank you!
Please send any questions to contact@changeleaders.ca.
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