Part 1: Clark Elementary Student Survey
Teachers: Please read the question, examples, and explain each question to all students.  Please review the emojis descriptions.
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1.  My teacher provides clear learning goals and scales for what we are working on during lessons. (My teacher may use kid-friendly scales or talk about the levels 0-4 when we start a lesson.)
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2.  My teacher helps me track my progress on my learning goals.
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3.  My teacher celebrates me when I learn or grow.
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4.  My teacher checks that my whole class understands the things being taught.
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5.  My teacher checks to make sure that I understand what he or she is teaching.
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6.  My teacher breaks lessons down into small parts that I can understand.
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7.  My teacher has me summarize, predict, and ask questions when learning new information.
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8.  My teacher asks me to take notes, draw pictures, or use graphic organizers to represent what I am learning.
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9.  My teacher has me practice using skills that we have learned in class.
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10.  My teacher asks me to think about similarities and differences with information.
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11.  My teacher asks me to tell why someone is wrong or right and explain my thoughts.
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12.  My teacher asks me to be a part of the class to solve problems, make decisions, do experiments and investigations so I can make and test a hypothesis.  (A hypothesis is a guess or prediction of what would happen in an experiment.)
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13.  My teacher gives me what I need to form a hypothesis to complete a task to think critically. (A hypothesis is a guess or prediction of what would happen in an experiment.)
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14.  My teacher gives me time to explain and prove my thinking.  I can support my thinking with  evidence. (For example, student may say "I know the answer is ____, because____.")
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15.  My teacher shows me how things I already know connect to things I am learning.
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16.  My teacher helps me pay attention to the most important parts of the lesson.
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17.  My teacher talks about what we have already learned to help us with new lessons.
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18.  My teacher has me correct mistakes I have made on skills that we have already learned.
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19.  My teacher asks me to reflect on my learning. (I can explain what I know and do not know on a skill and how hard I've tried and grown.)
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20.  My teacher gives me homework that helps me practice what I am learning in class.
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21.  My teacher asks me to expand my thinking beyond the lessons taught in class.
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