手繪 Speed Drawing - Drawing Class Enrollment Form
Please fill out the enrollment form and we will reply to you. Contact us by Signal/WhatsApp +852 9621 3083  Willie Ng
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Sketching Class
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Watercolor Painting Class
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Urban Watercolor Painting Class
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Portrait Drawing Class
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Acrylic Painting Class
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Oil Painting Class
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* 1.5 hrs per lesson
Drawing tools and materials will be provided for use in class
Class location: Oru Sutton Workspace - Room No.2, 3/F,  7 Throwley Way, Sutton SM1 4AF
That appears to be a statement related to a class or course, explaining that photos may be taken during class to document the situation, but to protect privacy, any images displayed on media may be processed to obscure the identity of those appearing in the photo.
Name *
Tel. *
How do we reply to you? *
Signal or WhatsApp No. *
Class Dates and Times *
Please select the class time first, and we will provide the class dates and times for everyone to choose from
Let me know if you have any questions
Contact Us
Signal/WhatsApp: +852 9621 3083 Willie Ng
Tel: +44 7517162176
Email: willieng09@gmail.com
Website: https://www.likedrawing.com
Address:   Oru Sutton Workspace – Room No.2, 3/F, 7 Throwley Way, Sutton SM1 4AF
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