Apply for a Rebble Grant!
Rebble Grants are a new initiative to reinvest some of the proceeds from running the Rebble service into development that keeps Pebble watches -- and the Rebble service -- useful. Some of the things we hope to fund are: work on a new mobile app for Pebble; work on the RebbleOS firmware replacement; design work supporting those goals; new features for Rebble Web Services; and development on new watchapps or watchfaces. We'll offer grants sized in proportion to how big of a project you plan to take on, and in proportion to how critical to the Rebble project what you propose to do is. Remember that you can always apply for multiple grants later, so it might be better to submit a proposal for a manageable chunk of work that doesn't cover everything, rather than a "superproject" that will take months and months to complete.
After you submit your grant proposal, we'll review it within a week or so, and propose how much money we want to fund it with. We hope to be relatively generous with our funding, but you're not obligated to do anything until you accept our funding proposal.
A great Rebble Grant application will show three things: it'll show that you understand what needs to be done, that you understand how to set achievable goals, and it'll show that you're the right person to do it. We're happy to workshop grants with you -- so if you have questions, please get in touch with @joshua or @ishotjr on the Rebble Discord!
We're so excited to see what you come up with.
the Rebble team!