Carpet Cleaning Services
Thank you for enquiring with L&J Total Clean to carry out your cleaning needs. Please, complete the questionnaire to the best of your knowledge as this helps to reduce time on your initial quote.

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Don’t forget to check out our website for a full list of services available - - and our Facebook page and Instagram account on what’s new, reviews, before-after photos and more.

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Email Address *
Full Name *
Full Address including Post code *
Contact Number *
How soon do you need the cleaning to be done? *
Type of Clean *
Will the property be empty? *
If not, will the property be furnished? *
How many carpets need cleaning? *
Is there free parking available near to the property ? *
Please tell us from where or whom you heard about L&J Total Clean *
If your answer above is Referral, please give a full name of the one who referred you to us.
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