VELA ACADEMY 2022, 8th International Focus Meeting LIVE & On-Line (Hybrid Meeting)
Date: 8th & 9th October 2022,
Location: Rome, Italy / On-Line
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I hereby agree to allow this billing information to be passed on to the dedicated billing agency Agencija Promo d.o.o.*
Payment Invoicing Information & Conditions:* (LIVE EVENT ONLY)
A pro-forma invoice will be sent to you via email. Once payment is complete you will receive an invoice. Please note that all prices are in EUR. excluding VAT, however, a VAT rate of 22% (as per Italian VAT rate at the time) will be chargeable for these services which include; food, drink, entertainment and education.

Payment must be received by no later than the 20th of September 2022 to guarantee attendance as there are limited numbers.

Disclaimer: In the event that VELA focus meeting is canceled due to (COVID) travel restrictions a full refund will be granted.
Name of Payee (First Name, Surname):
Organization / Business Name (if applicable):
Billing Address:
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VAT Number (if applicable):
Other Required Invoicing Information:
Book Your Accommodation:

Venue: The Building Hotel
Via Montebello, 126, 00185 Rome, Italy
Phone: +39 06 9934 0300

To book a room at "The Building Hotel" please contact them directly on:

Alternatively, the hotel is also available on
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Name and address of the legal Entity / Company where employed:
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