2023 Canon-McMillan Big Mac Pride Summer League
We are so excited to announce the highly anticipated return of our Big Mac Pride Summer League!  This league is a great opportunity to continue to work on your skills, learn how to play the game, and do so in a structured environment. Head Coach Charles Murphy and his coaching staff will be the administrators and referees for the games.  The returning JV/Varsity players will make up the coaching staffs for the teams. See the details below:

Dates: June 12th - June 29th

Location: North Strabane Intermediate School

4th  - 6th Grade Boys/Girls - Mondays and Wednesdays 10:00am - 12:00pm
7th - 9th Grade Boys/Girls - Tuesdays and Thursdays 10:00am - 12:00pm

$120.00 per participant

Please complete this Google Form to register. No paper registration is necessary!

Make Checks or Money Orders Payable to: Canon-McMillan Boys Basketball Association or CMBBA

Please bring payment with you on the morning you register!  If you previously sent in your payment, or paid while attending Camp, then you’re all set!

Contact Charles Murphy at Charlesmurph2230@gmail.com  or Scott Drakeley  at drakeleys@cmsd.k12.pa.us with any questions.

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Athlete's First Name *
Athlete's Last Name *
Athlete's Grade Level as of the 2023-2024 School Year (For example, If you just finished 3rd grade then you should select 4th grade.) *
Athlete's Age *
Please Select One *
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