Graduate Assistant Application Addendum
Addendum to application for a graduate assistant position at Saint Francis University (Loretto, PA)
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Full name *
Email address *
What is your intended graduate program at Saint Francis University? *
What is your status for your intended graduate program? *
During which semester(s) would you be available to work as a graduate assistant? (ex: Fall 20xx, Spring 20xx)
Please feel free to offer any additional details about your availability for working a graduate assistant.
In what semester and year do you anticipate completing your graduate program? (ex: Spring 20xx)
Below is a non-exhaustive list of departments who could consider graduate assistantships now or in the future.  Please take this opportunity to indicate your area(s) of interest below.  **For departments that are currently known to be hiring, see Graduate Assistant job posting on**
We are interested in your ability to organize and express thoughts on a specific topic in a succinct manner.  Please select one of the following topics and write a short essay below: 1) The Most Important Qualities of a Graduate Assistant, 2) The Value of a Graduate Education in Today’s Society, 3) My Personal Career Goals and Aspirations, 4) The Impact of Attending a Franciscan Institution *
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