JMRS ASMIRT CPD Q&A - Radiation Therapy - June 2022
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Continuing Professional Development Q&A - Radiation Therapy
Evaluation of optical 3D scanning system for radiotherapy use

Crowe S, Luscombe J, Maxwell S, Simpson-Page E, Poroa T, Wilks R, Li W, Cleland S, Chan P, Lin C, Kairn T.
J Med Radiat Sci. (2022) 

1.  What was the average imaging time for each anatomical scan? *
1 point
2.  Most participants closed their eyes during the optical scan due to: *
1 point
3.  Which of the following statements regarding the scanner software is FALSE? *
1 point
4.  Why did the scanner sometimes needed to be rotated during a scan? *
1 point
5.  What is the major limitation of this synthetic CT data production method? *
1 point
Recommended further reading:
1. Sasaki DK, McGeachy P, Alpuche Aviles JE, McCurdy B, Koul R, Dubey A. A modern mold room: Meshing 3D surface scanning, digital design, and 3D printing with bolus fabrication. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2019 Sep; 20(9): 78-85.

2. Sharma A, Sasaki D, Rickey DW, Leylek A, Harris C, Johnson K, et al. Low-cost optical scanner and 3-dimensional printing technology to create lead shielding for radiation therapy of facial skin cancer: First clinical case series. Adv Radiat Oncol. 2018 Feb; 3(3): 288-296.

3. Dipasquale G, Poirier A, Sprunger Y, Uiterwijk JW, Miralbell R. Improving 3D-printing of megavoltage X-rays radiotherapy bolus with surface-scanner. Radiat Oncol. 2018 Oct; 13(1): 203.

This content was created in conjunction with the Australian Society of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy (ASMIRT) CPD Program.
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