Mayfair Retail - Primrose Collective

Location: Mayfair Shopping Centre, Victoria BC
Contact: Pacific Coast Market Collective-

Details: Located right in the heart of Mayfair Shopping Centre you will find a beautifully curated Brick & Mortar store filled with BC’s best Artisans.This is a fabulous opportunity to have your wares showcased in arguably the best mall in Greater Victoria through the year!

What kind of products are accepted?
All types of handmade goods will be considered.
if you make it or design it, we’d love to sell it! It must be made in British Columbia. Primrose Collective is a curated store which means a limited number of Artisans in each category will be accepted.


Consignment rate is 40% to store.
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Email *
Name & Business Name? *
What do you sell? *
Tell me about you and your business. *
Where is your business located?  (Which City/Town) *
Social media handles *
Primrose Collective is run as a consignment based store. Artisans will receive 60% of their sales, the store 40%. Artisans will be paid on a monthly basis. *
Would you be interested in working the store in return for a reduced consignment rate of 30% We are looking for help over the Christmas holidays. *
Please be aware that vendors are accepted based on product pictures and descriptions submitted via your application. Any items not matching those descriptions dropped off may be removed at the discretion of the Primrose Collective team. *
Inventory Drop Off. I understand that all products must be individually tagged and dropped off at Primrose Collective no later then a week after acceptance. We require a MINIMUM OF $300 worth of product for the off season, minimum $600 for the holiday season. *
Please email us at (5) clear images of your products for review. Please also send your logo so that we can promote your business on our website. *
Price point. Please let us know the price range of your items *
Branding. Each item you have needs to be branded and have a space for our SKU & price sticker (eg. no unpacked soaps, all clothing must have a hang tag etc). Please also send business cards. *
What other stores are your products currently being sold at in Greater Victoria? *
Do you have business insurance? It’s not required but should be considered.
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Additional notes: Theft & Liability. While staff at the store will do everything within our power to prevent theft of products and displays, we unfortunately cannot guarantee that items will not go missing or get broken. Although inventory lists are supplied by each Artisan, we do not verify whether the numbers, descriptions, and/or prices match the physical inventory dropped off. Our staff will make every effort to prevent any incidents. However we cannot be held responsible for any theft or damages. *
Additional comments or questions. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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