IMBM Conference/Workshop Proposal
Please submit your application at least 5 weeks prior to the planned visit/activity.

In case you are requesting accommodation, please check the availabilities of IMBM on the calendar of activities posted on the main IMBM site and the availabilities of rooms on the link

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Title of the conference/workshop *
A short description/scientific goal *
List of organizers (Name, e-mail, affiliation) *
Local Host (Name and affiliation) *
Local Host's e-mail *
(Tentative) list of speakers *
Please mention affiliations and contact information.
Requested Conference Dates *
Web page/program for the conference *
The Executive Committee Member with closest research interests to the host *
Expected number of participants (only in case the application is for a workshop organisation) *
If you expect more than 35 participants, we suggest that you book a suitable room at Bogazici University. Please note that your activity will still be announced as a IMBM event.
IMBM have very limited funds available to support accommodation costs. If you need support from us please explain below and we will do our best.
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