Shelter / Rescue Partnership
Homescape Pets supports animal rescues by offering affordable wellness products and financial support to improve the lives of dogs and cats in the shelter system.
This partnership was created for non-profits (501c3), city/county shelters, and private rescue/shelter organizations.

Complete the form below to receive additional information on becoming a Homescape Pets partner.
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Your First Name *
Your Last Name *
Your Email Address *
Your Shelter or Rescue Organization *
Your Position / Title *
Your Organization's Website *
City *
State *
Contact Phone Number *
Do you primarily assist dogs, cats, or both? *
Approximately how many animals does your organization typically care for at any given time?  *
Is your organization a 501c3 non-profit? *
By submitting this form, you agree to receive details and news via email that are pertinent to the Homescape Pets Shelter Partner Program. Your information will not be shared. You can opt out of these communications at any time.
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