Banquet Registration Form: ALA/CALA 2024 Annual Conference

Dear CALA Members,

ALA/CALA Annual Conference Banquet will be held on Sunday June 30, 2024 at: Jasmine Seafood Restaurant, 4609 Convoy Street, Ste A   San Diego, CA 92111.

During this event, CALA President Vincci Kwong and CALA Immediate President Ray Pun will give speeches. CALA 2023-2024 Awards will be presented. 

Besides, this is the greatest opportunity for CALA members to get to know each other:  seeing old friends and getting to know the new ones.  You will also taste authentic Chinese food in San Diego.

We greatly encourage as many CALA members as possible to participate.  Banquet Registration will be closed by May 15, 2024

CALA Program Committee is very grateful for CALA president and Executive Committee for their great leadership and enormous financial support for this event. CALA would also like to acknowledge our sponsors and donors: EBSCO, Sage, Overdrive, and Dr. Kawanna Bright, for their generous support and partnership in making this event possible!


Payment Method: Zelle (type in:, the registered name is "Chinese American Librarians Association")
          *If you have difficulty to pay, please let Yue Li (, 850-345-3925) know and he will pay on your behalf and you can pay him later

Payment amount:  $30 per person

Time of the banquet:  June 30, 6:30 - 10:00 pm

Restaurant Name: Jasmine Seafood Restaurant

Restaurant Address: 4609 Convoy Street, Ste A    San Diego, CA 92111 

Note: Bus transportation to and from the restaurant will be provided 

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