Elevate Your Business Coaching Program
Thank you so much for applying to the Elevate Your Business Coaching Program.Elevate is an 8 week online coaching program that will help you to take your online business to the next level.
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Please answer the questions below as honestly as possible. This will help to ensure that Elevate is the right fit for you and your business goals.
First Name *
Last Name
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Name of Business *
Instagram Business Account Name:
Type of Business *
How long have you been in business? *
What are your main products and/or services? *
What are some obstacles or challenges your business is currently facing?
How would things change in your business and life if you can overcome these obstacles/challenges?
Where do you want your business to be in the next 6-12 months? What are 1-3 specific milestones you’d like to achieve? *
If your application to join Elevate is accepted , will you be able to commit 3-5 hours per week over the next 8 weeks to achieve your business goals? *
If your application to join Elevate is accepted , will you be able to commit to a 30-60 minute coaching call once per week? *
If your application to join Elevate is accepted, which is your preferred payment method? *
If your application to join Elevate is accepted, will you prefer to make a one time payment or pay via 3 month payment plan? *
Thank you so much for applying to the Elevate Your Business Coaching Program. I am deeply honored by your consideration and your application. You will receive a response within the next 3 days letting you know the status of your application.
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