National Conference Scholarship     Application Form
Scholarship funding is available for:
a) Two full time, tertiary students studying Music or Education
b) One teacher from a regional area
c) One open scholarship
to attend the ANCOS National Conference – Bridge (Sunday 7th to Thursday 11th January, 2018) at a reduced rate.
Closing date for applications - September 25th, 2017
All applicants will be notified of the results by email by Friday, September 29th, 2017

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Email *
Name *
Address *
Email *
Phone *
Are you a member of OSANSW? *
Which Scholarship are you applying for? *
Please provide a short statement on how you believe the conference will benefit your work. *
Please outline your reason for seeking financial assistance. *
Please provide any further information that may assist your application *
Please provide the names and phone numbers of 2 referees.
Referee 1: *
Referee 2: *
Thank you.
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