Before completing this form - please consider whether the matter of concern may be more appropriately raised under the Woman Within Grievance Policy
All members of Woman Within International are encouraged to raise genuine concerns in good faith, about possible illegal matters of financial reporting and other malpractices at the earliest opportunity, and in an appropriate way.
This form not only covers possible improprieties in matters of financial reporting, but also:
*corruption, bribery or blackmail;
*criminal offences;
*failure to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation;
*miscarriage of justice;
*endangering the health and safety of an individual; and
*concealment of any of the above.
The Whistleblower reporting such improprieties should be informed that
*As far as lies in the organisation’s power, the Whistleblower will not be disadvantaged for the act of making such a report; and
*If the Whistleblower wishes to make their complaint anonymously, their wish shall be honoured except insofar as it may be overridden by due process of law; however,
*Reporting such an impropriety does not necessarily absolve the Whistleblower from the consequences of any involvement on their own part in the misconduct complained of.