Share your (under)staffing story
CEO Martinez’s temporary budget means that we don’t have fully staffed schools on Day 1 of this school year. No one knows what's going on in our schools better than CTU members, and we need to tell the public about the realities in our schools. Tell us about the vacancies at your school as we begin the 2024-25 school year, and how the understaffing at your school impacts you and your students. And if you know about vacancy numbers that aren't properly reported or about positions needed in your school that aren't even budgeted, please report them here as well.  Your participation will help us win the staffing our students deserve. 
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First Name
Last Name
Personal email address
Which grade level do you teach?
Job Title
School or Citywide Office
Are there vacancies at your school? How many? Which positions?
How many students are in your largest class?
Are any of these resources not adequately provided to your students who need them?
Does your building have any facilities-related problems?
Are there positions needed at your school that aren't aren't even budgeted for? If so, tell us about them here.
How do these resource gaps affect your classroom or the work you do? How are students impacted?
Can we share your story with the public?
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Is your principal or administrator actively working to fill these positions?
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Does your school have a delegate?
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Does your school have a Professional Problems Committee (PPC)?
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Does your school have a Professional Personnel Leadership Committee (PPLC)?
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Are the PPC and/or PPLC addressing this staffing issue? If so, tell us what they're pursuing.
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