Rooster Walk 14 Volunteer Application
Thanks for your interest in volunteering at Rooster Walk 14!  This application is meant to gather information to help us find the perfect home for you on our volunteer staff. 

Rooster Walk Music & Arts Festival is May 23-26, 2024. There are TWO  types of volunteers for this show: 
  1. Pre/Post- Festival Volunteers (Setup -- May 18-22 and/ or Breakdown -- May 27-28)
  2. Standard (Volunteering during the event -- May 23-26)
Requirements for Pre- and Post-Festival volunteers are different than the requirements of Standard Festival volunteers (more hours are required). 

Visit this Volunteer Program Outline for more information on the RW14 volunteer program, including a list of volunteer requirements, a description of perks, volunteer crews, and the volunteer deposit.

Notes on the Application Process:
There are a few steps involved with becoming a Rooster Walk volunteer. Here is what you can expect to happen:
  1. Application:  You complete and send in this application. Returning and new volunteers must submit an application. You will be able to make team and schedule requests on this application. 
  2. Deposits:  First year volunteers or those with less-than-stellar ranking will need to submit a fully refundable $50 deposit. This will be refunded to you within two weeks of the completion of your final shift.
  3. Review: Once your deposit and application are received, your application will be reviewed by our team and you will be sent an official offer to join the team. These offers are sent bi-weekly. 
  4. Scheduling:  Scheduling info will be sent to registered volunteers starting Monday, 5/06/24.
Questions? Contact us at

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Email *
Your First Name: *
Your Last Name: *
Your phone number: *
Your Birthday (mm-dd-yy): *
Have you ever volunteered with Rooster Walk in the past? If so, how many years? *
If yes, tell us a little more about your experience (what year did you volunteer? What job did you do?)
What days are you available to volunteer? (Select all days that you are available to volunteer.) *
Which crews are you most interested in helping us with? (We suggest choosing your top three, as some teams have very few volunteer spots.) *
Are you more interested in an ACTIVE or STATIONARY position? *
Please share any certifications, skill sets, or relevant experience that may be helpful in scheduling you here:
Do you have any disabilities/ health concerns that we should be aware of?  Are there limitations to your ability to lift, push or pull items weighing greater than 10lbs?  If so, explain here.
If possible, I would prefer to work shifts with this *one* volunteer: (put name here)
List *one* band you would like to see (and would like to have off for). Include any other schedule restrictions/ requests here.
T-Shirt Size (Unisex sizes)
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If you are volunteering during the festival, would you be interested in working two shifts in one day if the option is available? (No worries if not! We often get emails from folks who prefer to work a double, so just trying to capture those folks here.)
Thank you!
That's all she wrote!!  Once you submit your form, head over to get your volunteer deposit. Once you do, our team will review and be back in touch. We review applications weekly.  

A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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