Esteamed Coffee Local Artist Application
Esteamed Coffee, Inc. features artists with communication, intellectual/developmental, and/or visual disabilities in its coffee shop for 3 month rotations. If selected, an artist's work is sold on a consignment basis in the shop for a 3 month time period. If you are interested in being considered for a rotation, please complete this form. Our Artist Liaison will follow-up with you. If you have any questions, please reach out to Thank you for your interest!
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Being featured as an artist at Esteamed Coffee is on a consignment basis. When a piece is sold the artist receives 60% of the sold price and Esteamed Coffee receives 40% of the sold price. The artist sets the retail price with this understanding. Please check below that you have read this and whether you understand the consignment pay structure. *
To be a featured artist one must meet the requirement of having a communication, intellectual/ developmental, and/or visual disability. Do you meet this requirement? *
If you answered "maybe" to the above disability requirement question, please explain.
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