Offshore Operators Committee (OOC) Feedback Form for Ocean Energy Safety Institute (OESI)  Marine Enegy Research Roadmap Refresh
The OESI Research Roadmap is an essential tool to categorize and convey areas for ocean energy related safety research that can have a positive impact on safety performance in the United States. This form is utilized to collect ocean energy stakeholder input for candidate updates to the OESI Marine Enegy Research Roadmap (found at:  This stakeholder outreach effort seeks to allow for broad input during the OESI's roadmap refresh process that helps ensure that the OESI Research Roadmap remains relevant.  The OESI roadmap refresh process involves several steps to ensure systematic collection, assessment and discussion of potential roadmap updates.  This Offshore Operators Committee seeking stakeholders’ feedback form is the first and most critical step in the OESI research roadmap refresh process.  

This input form should take approximately 10 to 45 minutes to complete, depending on the amount of feedback.
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What is OESI? 

The Ocean Energy Safety Institute (OESI) is a consortium of industry, national labs, non-governmental organizations and academia created to develop the technology and workforce needed for increased energy production that is safer, more sustainable and more cost-effective.


  • Develop knowledge, technologies and training that increase the nation’s ability to produce energy from oceanic resources safely and sustainably

  • Increase U.S. energy security, support jobs and increase economic activity through responsible and sustainable ocean energy development

  • Engage the very best technologists, managers, facilities, and standard and policy developers efficiently and collaboratively

OESI Overview
What is your contact email address? *
What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
What organization are you affiliated with? *
Which stakeholder category best describes you? *
OESI Research Roadmap Terminology

Each application roadmap consists of two key components: Targets and Strategic Pathways

  • Targets are long-term outcomes, including destinations, linked to the OESI vision and objectives.
  • Strategic Pathways are paths to achieve these targets. 

Stakeholder Input Process 
  1. Fill out the stakeholder demographical information above
  2. Answer the Target and Strategic Pathway-specific questions below for any of the Marine Energy Research Roadmap components you wish to provide feedback on
  3. Opportunity to optimize current targets and/or add candidate targets
  4. Click submit when you are finished to log your input with the OESI Operations Team
Stakeholder Input on OESI Marine Energy Target 1

Small-scale marine energy solutions that enhance the safety, security and sustainability of offshore wind and oil and gas operations 

Marine energy — energy harnessed from ocean waves, tides, currents, salinity, pressure and temperature gradients — has the unique potential to power offshore monitoring systems. Continuous monitoring of critical equipment and operational parameters for offshore wind energy and offshore oil and gas operations are critical to ensure the safety and efficiency optimization of these energy systems. An energy source is required to power monitoring devices, including sensors, alarms, data collection devices and communication devices, and small-scale marine energy could supply this electricity at sea. This target seeks to develop small-scale marine energy generation that can enhance the safety, security and sustainability of offshore wind energy and oil and gas operations in a cost-effective way. The target will be achieved through the following pathways.

OESI Marine Energy Target 1 Roadmap Components
Which of the following represents your input on the Target of Small-scale marine energy solutions that enhance the safety, security and sustainability of offshore wind and oil and gas operations? *
If you answered B above, please describe why you believe there is no current need for this research target?  (Please provide information on where to find safety efforts that demonstrate how to achieve this target).
Strategic Pathway Input for Target 1: Small-scale marine energy solutions that enhance the safety, security and sustainability of offshore wind and oil and gas operations
In this subsection, we ask for your input on the specific Strategic Pathways that have been identified to achieve the research Target.
Please select the area that best describes your input on Strategic Pathway: 
1.1 Mapping use cases and connecting small-scale marine energy solutions to enhance safety, security and sustainability of oil and gas operations

Marine energy can power the continuous monitoring needs of industry operations to prevent, intervene and respond to issues (such as structural integrity failure, imminent collision and natural disaster) in a timely manner for and oil and gas operations. In-situ system integrity and operational condition monitoring require a network of sensors, data storage and communication devices. Small-scale marine energy generation could support this complex networked system and provide real-time data. This pathway seeks to map opportunities and connect small- scale marine energy solutions to enhance the safety, security and sustainability of offshore oil and gas operations.

Not valid
Needs rewording
(I have no opinion)
I believe the Strategic Pathway wording is:
I believe the Strategic Pathway description is:
If you answered NOT VALID on any of the above, please describe why you believe it is not valid.
If you answered NEEDS REVISION on any of the above, please provide preferred revised wording.
Please select the area that best describes your input on Strategic Pathway: 
1.2 Mapping use cases and connecting small-scale marine energy solutions to enhance safety, security and sustainability of offshore wind operations

Marine energy can power monitoring devices to de-risk the unique safety, security and sustainability challenges of offshore wind operations. Construction, operation and maintenance at sea require specialized equipment and monitoring devices that require an offshore energy source. The traditional power sources require significant cabling and intervention over the life cycle of the devices. In contrast, the cabling and intervention can be significantly reduced by using small- scale marine energy. This pathway seeks to map use cases and connect small-scale marine energy generation to enhance the safety, security and sustainability of offshore wind energy operations.

Not valid
Needs rewording
(I have no opinion)
I believe the Strategic Pathway wording is:
I believe the Strategic Pathway description is:
If you answered NOT VALID on any of the above, please describe why you believe it is not valid.
If you answered NEEDS REVISION on any of the above, please provide preferred revised wording.
Please select the area that best describes your input on Strategic Pathway: 
1.3  Identification of recommended minimum system and personnel safety considerations and potential standards for design of marine energy technology 

Personnel and system safety must be considered in designing and deploying marine energy technologies. For example, minimum system safety design should incorporate proper design parameters that account for events such as the failure of a single anchor mooring line. This pathway seeks to develop recommended minimum system and personnel safety considerations for designing and deploying marine energy technology.

Not valid
Needs rewording
(I have no opinion)
I believe the Strategic Pathway wording is:
I believe the Strategic Pathway description is:
If you answered NOT VALID on any of the above, please describe why you believe it is not valid.
If you answered NEEDS REVISION on any of the above, please provide preferred revised wording.
Please select the area that best describes your input on Strategic Pathway: 
1.4 Assessment of lifting operational safety experience and training of best practices for marine energy technology fabrication, installation, operations and maintenance

Constructing, installing, maintaining
and decommissioning marine energy technology require mechanical lifting activities. Lifting incidents are frequent in offshore operations, and furthermore, there is a lack of established safe lifting practices for marine energy technology. Marine energy technology operations should incorporate lessons learned from traditional offshore industries. This pathway seeks to incorporate safe lifting practices and related training to inform marine energy technology operations.

Not valid
Needs rewording
(I have no opinion)
I believe the Strategic Pathway wording is:
I believe the Strategic Pathway description is:
If you answered NOT VALID on any of the above, please describe why you believe it is not valid.
If you answered NEEDS REVISION on any of the above, please provide preferred revised wording.
Please select the area that best describes your input on Strategic Pathway: 
1.5 Development of real-time monitoring tools and data dashboards for performance and integrity of marine energy technology 

Reliable and effective monitoring of marine energy installations can ensure desired performance and device integrity. An effective communicationprocess between hardware and software monitoring can be facilitated by a data dashboard, which can also facilitate a timely response. This pathway seeks to identify and develop real-time monitoring tools and data dashboards to effectively monitor marine energy device performance and integrity.

Not valid
Needs rewording
(I have no opinion)
I believe the Strategic Pathway wording is:
I believe the Strategic Pathway description is:
If you answered NOT VALID on any of the above, please describe why you believe it is not valid.
If you answered NEEDS REVISION on any of the above, please provide preferred revised wording.
New Candidate Strategic Pathway under Target 1: Small-scale marine energy solutions that enhance the safety, security and sustainability of offshore wind and oil and gas operations
This section allows you to propose a new candidate Strategic Pathway that would help achieve this research roadmap target.  If you have a proposed new Strategic Pathway, please respond to each of the questions below so that it may be considered by the OESI Consortium for inclusion.
If you believe this Target should have an additional Strategic Pathway, please provide what that should be (use your desired candidate Strategic Pathway wording).
What would be the description for the candidate additional Strategic Pathway?
Please describe what safety related gap would be addressed by research within your candidate Strategic Pathway.
Please describe the desired outcome from research within your candidate Strategic Pathway.
Stakeholder Input on OESI Marine Energy Target 2

Utility-scale marine energy solutions, leveraging experience from wind energy and oil and gas that enhances the safety, security and sustainability of marine energy operations 

Marine energy resources have the potential to provide utility-scale power to remote coastal and island communities, as well as to the onshore electricity grid. The marine energy industry is largely pre-commercial and faces many challenges due to operating in a marine environment. Utility-scale energy generation technologies require a complex array of structural installations, interconnections and monitoring that require specialized equipment to ensure safety and system integrity. Established offshore wind energy and oil and gas operations can provide the opportunity to leverage the knowledge, experience and skill to marine energy technology. This target seeks to develop utility- scale marine energy generation leveraging knowledge from wind and oil and gas to enhance the safety, security and sustainability of marine energy operations.

OESI Marine Energy Target 2 Roadmap Component
Which of the following represents your input on the Target of Utility-scale marine energy solutions, leveraging experience from wind energy and oil and gas that enhances the safety, security and sustainability of marine energy operations? *
If you answered B above, please describe why you believe there is no current need for this research target?  (please provide information on where to find safety efforts that demonstrate how to achieve this target)
Strategic Pathway Input for Target 2: Utility-scale marine energy solutions, leveraging experience from wind energy and oil and gas that enhances the safety, security and sustainability of marine energy operations
In this subsection, we ask for your stakeholder input on the specific Strategic Pathways that have been identified to achieve the research Target.
Please select the area that best describes your input on Strategic Pathway: 
2.1 Assessment of offshore oil and gas experience (best practices in application of existing technology) to enhance utility-scale marine energy generation systems 

Offshore oil and gas operations have significant experience with technological advancement in marine design, construction and maintenance. Thisexpertise can be leveraged in applying utility-scale marine energy generation. Marine energy operations can benefit from experience in areas such as safe lifting and lowering, deployment of an array of structures and maintenance in the marine environment. This pathway seeks to assess the applicability of offshore oil and gas operational best practices to enhance the development of utility-scale marine energy generation systems.

Not valid
Needs rewording
(I have no opinion)
I believe the Strategic Pathway wording is:
I believe the Strategic Pathway description is:
If you answered NOT VALID on any of the above, please describe why you believe it is not valid.
If you answered NEEDS REVISION on any of the above, please provide preferred revised wording.
Please select the area that best describes your input on Strategic Pathway: 
2.2 Assessment of offshore wind operations experience (best practices in application of existing technology) to enhance utility-scale marine energy generation systems

Offshore wind energy and marine energy face similar challenges. The marine environment, reliability issue of remote data, uncertainty in site assessment and complexity of power output connectivity exemplify these common challenges. Marine energy stakeholders may leverage such expertise by learning from offshore wind operations involving batch deployment, structure array interconnection and monitoring systems. This pathway seeks to assess the applicability of offshore wind energy operations’ best practices to enhance the development of utility-scale marine energy generation systems.

Not valid
Needs rewording
(I have no opinion)
I believe the Strategic Pathway wording is:
I believe the Strategic Pathway description is:
If you answered NOT VALID on any of the above, please describe why you believe it is not valid.
If you answered NEEDS REVISION on any of the above, please provide preferred revised wording.
Please select the area that best describes your input on Strategic Pathway: 
2.3 Identification of recommended minimum system and personnel safety considerations for the design of utility-scale marine energy technology 

Due to the resource-intensive nature of their deployment and installation, as well as the corrosive marine environment, utility-scale marine energy technologies need to be designed with longevity in mind. Designs must include proper materials selection, robust infrastructure connectivity and a high degree of overall system integrity. Understanding the minimum system and personnel safety requirements is key to producing a safe marine energy generation system array with high integrity. This pathway seeks to develop a recommended minimum system and personnel safety considerations for designing utility-scale marine energy technology.

Not valid
Needs rewording
(I have no opinion)
I believe the Strategic Pathway wording is:
I believe the Strategic Pathway description is:
If you answered NOT VALID on any of the above, please describe why you believe it is not valid.
If you answered NEEDS REVISION on any of the above, please provide preferred revised wording.
Please select the area that best describes your input on Strategic Pathway: 
2.4 Assessment of metocean forecasting experience for operational safety and training of best practices for utility-scale marine energy technology

Site-specific metocean data are used to maximize operational productivity while ensuring the safety of the personnel. For marine infrastructure design purposes, these datasets must have a wide enough temporal span to capture both standard and extreme conditions as well as seasonal variability. A robust and reliable dataset can inform decisions such as selecting vessels, operational weather windows, identifying limiting metocean conditions and defining operational parameters to maximize safety within reasonable limits, such as ALARP (as low as reasonably practicable). This pathway seeks to assess metocean forecasting for operational safety and the development of best practices for marine energy operations.

Not valid
Needs rewording
(I have no opinion)
I believe the Strategic Pathway wording is:
I believe the Strategic Pathway description is:
If you answered NOT VALID on any of the above, please describe why you believe it is not valid.
If you answered NEEDS REVISION on any of the above, please provide preferred revised wording.
Please select the area that best describes your input on Strategic Pathway: 
2.5 Development of safer electrical cable connection technology that reduces environmental exposure and improves resilience

As marine energy technology progresses to the utility scale, it is expected that
an array of cables will be used for transmitting electricity between marine energy devices, offshore substations and the onshore grid. Due to harsh environmental conditions and high-energy environments, it is critical to improve resiliency, reduce fatigue and maintain the integrity of the electrical cable connections. Improving electrical cable connections can prevent system and safety challenges such as electrical connection cracking, damage and failure that require intervention or replacement. This pathway seeks to develop safer and more reliable electric cable connection technology that reduces exposure and improves resiliency.

Not valid
Needs rewording
(I have no opinion)
I believe the Strategic Pathway wording is:
I believe the Strategic Pathway description is:
If you answered NOT VALID on any of the above, please describe why you believe it is not valid.
If you answered NEEDS REVISION on any of the above, please provide preferred revised wording.
New Candidate Strategic Pathway under Target 2: Utility-scale marine energy solutions, leveraging experience from wind energy and oil and gas that enhances the safety, security and sustainability of marine energy operations
This section allows you to propose a new candidate Strategic Pathway that would help achieve this research roadmap target. If you have a proposed new Strategic Pathway, please respond to each of the questions below so that it may be considered by the OESI Consortium for inclusion.
If you believe this Target should have an additional Strategic Pathway, please provide what that should be (use your desired candidate Strategic Pathway wording)
What would be the description for the candidate additional Strategic Pathway?
Please describe what safety related gap would be addressed by research within your candidate Strategic Pathway.
Current Targets in the Offshore Wind Energy Application area
  1. Small-scale marine energy solutions that enhance the safety, security and sustainability of offshore wind and oil and gas operations
  2. Utility-scale marine energy solutions, leveraging experience from wind energy and oil and gas that enhances the safety, security and sustainability of marine energy operations 
If you believe Target 1 should be revised, please provide revised Target Wording for Target 1.  
If you believe Target 1 should be revised, please provide revised Target Description for Target 1.  
If you believe Target 2 should be revised, please provide revised Target Wording for Target 2.  
If you believe Target 2 should be revised, please provide revised Target Description for Target 2.  
If you believe additional Target should be included, please provide what that should be (use your desired candidate Target wording)
What would be the description for the candidate Target?
Please describe what safety related gap would be addressed by research within your candidate Target.
Please describe what desired outcomes would be produced by research within your candidate Target.
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