2022 Math Contest Camp Application
Please complete this form to apply for Math Contest Camp-2022.  An email confirmation from Google Forms should be sent to you once you submit this completed form.  No deposit is needed until at least mid-March when  there is hopefully more certainty that the camp can occur.
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Email *
Camper First Name *
Camper Last Name *
Which Week (and track for week 2) of Camp *
Gender *
Grade in 22-23 *
T-Shirt Size *
Roommate Preference, if any (indicate commuting here if that applies)
Any allergies that could be of concern during camp?
Any special dining restrictions (such as no beef, no pork, no gluten, no dairy) that the cafeteria should know about?
School Attended *
Parents' Name(s) *
Parents' Mailing Address (include city, state and zip code) *
Parents' Phone Number *
Emergency Contact Name/Number (in addition to parents)
I hereby authorize the directors of Math Contest Camp to act for me according to their best judgment in any emergency requiring medical attention.  I hereby waive and release SBU and Dr. Hopkins.  I know of no mental or physical problems that might affect my child's ability to safely participate in this camp.  I will be responsible for any medical or other charges in connection with his or her attendance at camp above and beyond the limited coverage of camp insurance.  By entering your name below, you understand this qualifies as a signature for this authorization. *
He/she is covered by the following insurance company. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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