ADDISPACE : Inscription to the Conference - March 14th, 2019
General Theme: Challenges & Opportunities on Metal Additive Manufacturing
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Metal Additive Manufacturing (MAM) has shown a great potential for the development of high efficient applications for the aerospace sector. In the short history of the technology, several efforts have been performed to increase the maturity of different aspects like materials, design and optimization for MAM, fabrication systems (with higher deposition speed, more accurate and versatile, high repeatability, ....), inspections technologies and processes, etc. However, extensive R&D activities are still necessary to push the technology into maturity levels for its industrialization.

Also, in this increasingly evolving field, an important lack of training is to be emphasized, whether in schools and universities but also in industry.

With the aim of sharing knowledge and experiences related to these different needs, the ADDISPACE consortium is organizing a Conference day on 14 March 2019 dedicated to the challenges and opportunities of Metallic Additive Manufacturing.
The Conference is organized by ADDISPACE project, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in the framework of Interreg Sudoe programme.

ADDISPACE aims at the dissemination and transfer of metal additive manufacturing technologies to the aerospace sector in the SUDOE area, comprising Spain, Portugal and the South of France.

The conference will aim to discuss, through 2 round tables, challenges and opportunities related to MAM and will also address the topics of training in this sector.

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