CTL Website Showcase Questions
Please complete the following:
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Name *
District *
School *
Primary Email *
Primary Phone Number *
Are you using PSI, PMI, or both? *
How long have you been using PSI or PMI? *
Select 5 Questions Below to Tell Us your PSI-PMI Story
1. What can you share about your experiences with PSI or PMI?
2. How did you handle training?
3. What are your results?
4. How have things progressed this year?
5. How are teachers using the many resources provided by PSI or PMI?
6. Do any other teachers in your building use PSI or PMI? If so, for which subjects/grades?
7. How did you learn about PSI or PMI?
8. What was the biggest adjustment you made in your teaching when you switched to using PSI or PMI?
9. Describe a typical day in your classroom.
10. What is the most positive outcome you have seen with your implementation of PSI or PMI?
11. Share one thing that you have learned this year, that you will do differently next year.
12. What do students think of PSI or PMI and why?
13. What do parents think of PSI or PMI and why?
14. Why did your school switch to PMI or PSI?
15. What’s the difference between PMI or PSI and other curriculum?
16. What advice do you have for teachers adopting PMI or PSI now?
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