2031 Quiz 1: Prehistory (post-study)
Take, and retake, this quiz until you achieve a score of 90% or better (7/8).
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Which are NOT part of the "seven lamps" (although they may indeed influence one or more of them)? *
1 point
To receive credit for completing this assignment, enter your name here (last name first). *
0 points
What do you think we can learn from the remains of prehistoric settlements? (Check all that apply.) *
0 points
The development of towns always depended on an earlier development of __________ and always led to the development of __________. *
1 point
Name two insights that you gained from the UNESCO video ("Stonehenge, Avebury and Associated Sites," on SmartHistory) that expand on the information included in the textbook. *
What's the most challenging part of learning about this topic? *
The joinery technique evident in the trilithons of Stonehenge are *
1 point
Not all of the following are actual "lamps of architectural history," but for the ones that are, which are most likely to be affected by the natural materials available in or on the surface of the earth in a particular place? *
1 point
The 2nd century includes which of the following dates? (Check all that apply.)
1 point
The construction of the prehistoric Stonehenge was complete in 1,400 BCE, which is already well within the historic period of ancient Egypt. *
1 point
"BCE" means *
1 point
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