2024 Mill Valley Music Festival - Volunteer Application 
Thank you for applying to be a volunteer at the 3rd annual Mill Valley Music Festival! This will be a two-day event held on Saturday May 11th and Sunday May 12th, 2024 on Friends Field at the Mill Valley Community Center. The Volunteer program is an important component for the safety and success of the Festival. We appreciate your interest!

Please complete this form to volunteer with us at the Festival and/ or in Advance. If applying for advance volunteering we will be in touch soon, for those wanting to volunteer at the Festival we will respond by end of March.

Thank you!
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Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Where do you live (City or Town)? *
Have you Volunteered with us before? *
Are you able to Volunteer for half a day at the Festival on Saturday May 11th? *
Are you able to Volunteer for half a day at the Festival on Sunday May 12th? *
Are you able to Volunteer in advance of the Festival (approx 10 hours between February and May) hanging flyers and bringing promo materials to businesses? *
Please tell us any relevant information about your background that would be useful to us - ie. have you worked at Festivals before, like to talk to people, etc.. *
Anything else you would like to share. 
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