FAL Club Application | 2024-2025 Season
We appreciate your interest in the Florida Academy League. Please take the time to complete the application below. Please provide as much detail as possible. We are focused on an inclusive, yet standards based environment, for clubs to grow, develop and succeed.

Application Deadline: February 2, 2024
Final Decisions & Announcement: March 4, 2024
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Email *
Person Submitting this Application *
Name of Club *
Name of Director of Coaching *
Phone Number *
Email *
Level of USSF License *
Name of Technical Director *
Phone Number *
Email Address *
Level of USSF License *
Name of Administrator *
Phone Number *
Email *
Explain your club structure (Organizational Chart / Decision Makers) *
Total Number of Full Time Coaches *
Total Number of Part Time Coaches *
Total Number of Boys Competitive Teams (U8-U19) *
Total Number of Boys Competitive Players (U8-U19) *
Please describe your club's mission, vision, core values and philosophy? *
Please describe your coaching philosophy at the club? *
Please describe your playing philosophy at the club? *
Please describe your playing development philosophy at the club? *
BU12 (2012) Information: Coach for upcoming season, license of coach, current league, current standings *
BU11 (2013) Information: Coach for upcoming season, license of coach, current league, current standings
BU10 (2014) Information: Coach for upcoming season, license of coach, current league, current standings
Number of Fields Owned by the Club? *
Number of Fields Rented by the Club? *
Please provide 1-2 references from a Club Director that is familiar with your program (Name of person, Club Name, Phone, and Email) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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