WKEC Professional Learning Request
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Email *
District *
School Name (if applicable)
Name of School Principal (if request is for school level assistance)
Teacher (if applicable for request)
Area of Focus
(check all that apply)
Please explain the reason for this request.
Number of students with IEPs who will be impacted by services provided.
WKEC Professional Learning Coach(es)  Requested for this PLR (check all that apply) 
The Professional Learning Coach being requested has already had conversation with district staff about this request and is aware that it is being submitted.
Requested format for service delivery
If other was selected, explain in this section.
Is this request a result of a Corrective Action Plan? *
Who will serve as the internal coach for this request ? (The coach should be someone whose role is specifically related to the area(s) of request. Internal coaches may include (but are not limited to): teacher leader, consultant, instructional supervisor, department chair, administrator, speech language pathologist, guidance counselor.) Please list name of individual, email information and contact phone number.
Please check the following (all must be checked before submission of the request).
Name and title of person submitting request
Email address of person submitting request
Comment Section (please provide any information that will assist with the request in this section)
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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