Caregiver Volunteer Form
Welcome to ASCYO. Like so many groups, we depend almost entirely on caregiver volunteers to do the work that makes our rehearsals and concerts a reality. Therefore, to share the load, we ask that each family make a commitment to support your student(s) by volunteering.

The work we need to do is listed below. If we each select one job (or more) that fit our time, talent and energy, we will make light work of it. We know you are already busy, we all are. Rather than looking upon this as an imposition, see it as an opportunity.

ASCYO is made up of families who have joined together in an effort to improve the lives of our students and make the world a better place. There is no pool of employees to draw from. It is just us.
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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Name(s) of Student(s) in ASCYO *
Choose 1 *
Check as many as apply
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