MAR-AMTA National Conference Award
The MAR-AMTA National Conference Award offers monetary assistance to professional members to support member involvement at the national conference (in 2022, the inaugural symposium).  An award in the amount of $150 will be offered to one (1) professional member to as a reimbursement for symposium registration. 

To be considered for the MAR-AMTA National Conference Award, please complete the following application by October 15th, 2022.  You must be a current MAR-AMTA member in good standing to qualify for the award.  Your one-page essay (400 words or less) will be assigned an ID number, then distributed and reviewed independently by members of an anonymous review panel.  The panel will return their ratings and the applicants with the highest ranked essays will be selected.  The award winner will be notified by email the following week. Please direct any questions to the VP of Membership, at

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Write a short essay (400 words or less) stating why you'd like to be considered for the MAR-AMTA National Conference Award and how you would benefit from it personally and professionally. DO NOT include your name or specifically identifying information on your essay, as it will be submitted for blind review. *
By submitting this electronic application, I confirm that I am: *
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