Friends of North Creek Forest                          Environmental Education Volunteers
Friends of North Creek Forest 
Environmental Education Volunteers

Looking for reliable people to help with environmental curriculum planning, design, implementation, and assessment. Friends of North Creek Forest is a non-profit organization committed to maintaining and improving the ecological function of North Creek Forest through stewardship, education and conservation in perpetuity. Our education program aims to provide K-12 and public outdoor environmental education programming that enhances our audience's relationship with their environment.

 The majority of our events will be held in our North Creek Forest, some on school campuses, in classrooms, other parks, and virtually when needed.

Our volunteers work with the education committee, which consists of our education chair, education manager, and various interns. Currently we meet virtually twice-weekly. Depending on your area of interest, you may assist us in event support, curriculum design, stakeholder outreach, and/or grant writing.

Because of our demographics, most of our meetings and events occur Monday-Friday 8am-4pm.
-Assist in field instruction of K-12 and/or public events.
-Occasionally attend education committee meetings either virtually or physically.
-Available to go to events and meetings 

Volunteers will gain experience in:
-Understanding basic lowland forest ecological restoration practices.
-Various environmental science practices.
-Understanding the role of community service/service learning in habitat restoration.
-Thinking critically and acting toward equity in environmental education.
-Facilitating events for diverse ways of knowing and understanding science and the natural world.

-Interest in community outreach, environmental justice, habitat restoration, and/or education.

-Depending on current funding, stipends for appreciation of work may be available. Usually awarded on a quarterly basis.

If you are interested in volunteering but the dates and times the education committee operates do not align with your schedule please consider volunteering at our stewardship events, which require no application.

You can find the times and dates here. Please RSVP if you want to come, or you can just show up the same day.
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