Learn Reiki Philadelphia Financial Assistance Form
Thank you for your interest in our classes & workshops! We are a very small business. This form helps us to allocate resources, invite as many folks as possible and gauge the impact our assistance has. The last question is open ended, allowing you to add anything you feel is relevant that we may have overlooked. If something feels too personal, you may absolutely leave it off. Thank you for your time and feedback, we hope to see you soon!
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Email *
Name & Pronouns (she/he/they etc) *
How did you first hear of my programs? *
Which class(es) or workshop are you interested in? *
Is there a specific date of the class or workshop you seek to join? If so please include here
We can structure a payment plan for the balance. If this would be helpful, what could you pay, and how often? Payment plans do not cost extra.
If you are applying for a Reiki class: these are offered on an ongiong basis. Aid may be more readily available if you are flexible about when you take the class. I am often available for classes on: (Please select all that apply)
How much assistance do you need in order to attend? *
I am interested in this course for *
How do you hope this class or workshop will impact you? *
Do you have interest or experience in other holistic/wellness/spiritual pursuits?
Do you have a long term goal that this class or workshop could help you achieve?
Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself, your situation or how this could help you, your family or community?
If you are applying for assistance with Reiki level 2 or higher only: When and with whom did you study your previous levels? Was this a different style than Usui Reiki?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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