Introduction to Scratch Badge - CoderDojo RTP
Complete these five challenges to earn your Introduction to Scratch Badge.  Be creative.  Or, in place of #1-4, you can complete the CoderDojo Beginner Scratch Sushi cards along with #5.

    1. Animation – Create an animated sprite using five different costumes.You can select costumes from the library or make your own – but don’t use the “next costume” block! Tip: Use the “(costume #)” block. See:
    2. Motion – Make a project where the main sprite follows the mouse pointer. Then add a sprite to chase the first sprite. Tip: Use the “point towards [mouse pointer v]” and “move (value) steps” blocks to complete this puzzle. See:
    3. Looks and Sound – Create a sprite that uses two different effects. Then add a sound. Tip: Use the “Set [select effect here v]effect to (value)”block and the “play sound [ v]”block. Get the sound from the sound library. See:
    4. Variables – Create a project that changes a variable at least 3 times. Tip : Use the “Change variable[ v] to (value)” block. See
    5.  Complete the 10 Block Challenge, the Tucker coin-toss challenge, or a similarly complex independent project. See: for the 10 block challenge..

Please use the form below to send us the links to your Scratch projects, or grab a mentor and show them.
**thanks to CoderDojo Porirua for the criteria
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Your Name *
1. Scratch Animation *
2. Scratch motion *
3. Scratch Look and Sound *
4. Scratch Variables *
5. Scratch 10 Block Challenge, Tucker Challenge, or other project *
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