Bookclub Signup Form
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Contact Name: (First & Last) *
Email: *
Club name (If no official name, enter N/A): *
Club location (Enter city and state): *
Number of members: *
What title are you interested in (if interested in more than one title, please submit a form for each: *
How many copies do you wish to order?

We will provide a 20% discount off the current suggested retail price for any quantity over 5 copies. 
What format do you wish to order?: *
What genre/s does your club primarily focus on? (i.e., YA, General Fiction, Fantasy, etc.) If your club reads all genres, please type ALL: *
Would you be interested in having a Skype/Zoom video discussion with the author (subject to author's availability): *
Date requesting author discussion: *
Any additional comments or questions: *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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