Registration Form 
Workshop on Real-Time Energy Optimisation Feasibility Analysis Using RENKEI Control - Physical Workshop

Date: 16 January 2025
Time: 8.30am to 5.15pm (Malaysia time, GMT+8)
Venue: Kuala Lumpur (exact location will be informed by email)
Fee: Free (Limited to 50 participants)

(Note: This Registration Form is for those interested to attend the physical workshop in Kuala Lumpur.  For those that would like to attend the online workshop, please register at the following link instead:

Workshop Synopsis:

This workshop introduces the fundamentals and concept of RENKEI Control for energy auditors/managers/users.  It also provides a free assessment tool for companies that would like to assess RENKEI control potential in their companies.  The physical workshop would have additional hands-on working sessions for those that would like to learn how to perform RENKEI Control feasibility energy analysis.

What is RENKEI Control?

RENKEI Control is real time optimisation of multiple equipment to reduce energy consumption in facilities through control via energy digitalisation. It is a quick win approach, requires less investment, short construction period and highly cost effective.

Workshop Highlights
1. Learn how RENKEI Control works to minimize energy consumption via energy digitalization.
2. Learn how to evaluate if an energy system has potential to use RENKEI Control.
3. Learn how to analyze RENKEI Control energy saving potential.
4. Free hands-on tools for RENKEI Control Assessment.

Organizer & Sponsor
The workshop is organised by Optimal Systems Engineering (OPTIMISE) and Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association (JEITA).  The program is supported by Cleaner Energy Future Initiatives for ASEAN (CEFIA).

Target Participants
The target participant for this workshop are energy auditors, energy managers, person in charge of energy systems in their company or energy service companies (ESCOs).  
*Participants will be selected if they satisfy the target participant type.

For more information: or +6016-7167248.
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