Registration to the webinar: Delivering good quality CSE beyond conventional settings
Share-Net Netherlands kindly invite you to an online expert meeting on Delivering good quality CSE beyond conventional settings. To register for this event, please fill in your details and additional information below.

Email *
Name *
Organisation/university/other employer *
1. Do you have specific questions you would hope to address during this meeting? Please indicate below.
2. Does your organisation work in the field of CSE?
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In case you responded to the prior question (2.) with yes, we would ask you for 2 more minutes of your time to fill in the rest of the questions. If you responded with no, you can scroll down directly and submit your registration!
3. If yes, which target group do you mainly work with?
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4. In which areas do you work on CSE activities?
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5a) In view of the current COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions on mobility and face-to-face interaction, what has been the impact on your CSE activities?
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5b) If your activities are currently on hold or remained the same, can you briefly explain the reasons why? If your activities have been adapted, can you please briefly explain how you have adapted them?
Thank you for your registration and providing additional input, you will receive further information and the link to the webinar in the near future!
This webinar which will be held on the 18th of June 2020 from 12:00-13:30 CEST via Zoom. The link to the event will be shared with you the day prior to the event.
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