Preliminary Interest Form - Club Operating Groups/Teams
Get in on the ground floor of new W7HEN offerings! 

Club leadership knows that there is interest in these topics, that we have many talented members in these areas, and that we have many new operators looking to learn more in these areas. (We also know that there will be overlap, which is great.) 

Your club leadership wants to empower you to guide our radio activities with what matters most to you.

Get in on the ground floor and shape the trajectory and culture of your radio club. Everything is open for discussion based on the member's needs, desires, and efforts.

These groups are designed to provide a forum for experienced and rookie members to congregate and meet. These groups are not intended to add an extra layer of bureaucracy. Get involved with what interests you today!

Before we get started... what's the premise behind all of this?
  1. To engage and ultimately empower membership, we want to create additional action groups that specialize in different functions identified as critical to the success of the Henderson Amateur Radio Club, Inc.
  2. Each group will initially serve as a litmus test, or barometer, of member interest. If the interest simply isn’t there, it simply isn’t there. There is no need for the BOD to try forcing a square peg through a round hole. Ultimately, we want to allow our membership the freedom and space to explore and further grow in facets of amateur radio that interest them.
  3. Each group will eventually have its leader or facilitator. Depending on the dynamic, this person might be suggested by the individual group or identified by the president. With the exception of president and treasurer, each group will have a member of the BOD as a liaison. This liaison is not the leader of the group, but rather someone who engages in servant leadership theory to inspire, engage, and close the communication loop between board members and membership.
  4. (The president and treasurer are not included as liaisons. The president maintains impartiality in the event a dispute arises, and the treasurer engages in financial functions.)
Questions? Contact the president Bill N4NJJ at or the entire Board of Directors at
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Last Name *
Ham Call (N/A if you don't have one) *
Best email *
Best phone *
Please select all of the groups/teams that interest you. You may select more than one. This is just a preliminary form to gauge where the interest is and is totally non-committal.

The success of the entire cloud lays solely on the shoulders of our membership. We hope that as many members as possible elect to participate where they feel comfortable (or where they feel they have a personal need to grow!).

However, we do recognize that right now might not be the right time for you, and that is totally fine, too. If you find right now now to be the right time, please select the "At this time, I'd prefer to sit back" option.
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