10. dictionary skill
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choose option which is  written in alphabetical order: *
2 puntos
which word will be alphabetically third in the dictionary :       power, paper, put, parrot, prist, pink *
2 puntos
which word will be alphabetically third in the dictionary ? *
2 puntos
where will you look up the words with 'p' in the dictionary ? *
2 puntos
which word will come after 'work ' in the dictionary? *
2 puntos
which word will come after 'tear' in the dictionary? *
2 puntos
which word will come before the word 'jolly' in the dictionary? *
2 puntos
which entry in dictionary comes before 'the part of speech' ? *
2 puntos
where will the word 'daybreak' be found in the dictionary ? *
2 puntos
which word will be third in the given words as per alphabetical order?        shirt, soap, sand, shower *
2 puntos
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