Harloe Helpers Interest Form
Are you looking to get more involved with what is going on at Harloe? Harloe has a great group of volunteers that make it possible for your kids to do fun things throughout the year. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name *
Phone Number *
What is your child(ren)s name(s)? *
What is your child(ren’s) grade(s)? *
When can you help?
Have you fulfilled the LMUSD requirements to volunteer? (If you want to volunteer during the school day this is a requirement.)
All volunteers must have approved fingerprints on file with LMUSD and required to have a current tuberculosis (TB) clearance (i.e., within the past four years)?
Are you able to donate your time or goods to Harloe PTO when needed? *
What's the best way to contact you? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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