Collegeland O'Rahillys GAC - Gift Aid Declaration Address collection form
Collegeland O'Rahillys as a Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) are able to claim 25p of tax on every £1 that you donated to the club over the last four years and for present and future donations.

Gift aid is reclaimed from the tax you pay in the current tax year.  Your address is required to identify you as a current UK tax payer.

Please complete the all fields below:
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Title *
First name *
Last name *
Full home address *
Postcode *
GDPR and Data protection compliance:
Collegeland O'Rahillys GAC is committed to GDPR data protection, stored securely and will only use this data for the purposes of submitting a CASC gift aid claim. If you do wish to keep up to date with our claim please enter your email address below.
Email for CASC updates - OPTIONAL
We'd like to take the opportunity to thank you for donations and for your continued support to Collegeland O'Rahillys GAC.
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