Climate Science Practice Quiz
Choose the best answer for each questions. Some questions may have more than one correct answer. You will receive immediate feedback on your responses. Good luck!
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True or false: high pressures bring clear skies and fair weather? *
1 point
What is the difference between low and high pressure? Choose all the apply. *
1 point
The following tweet demonstrates misunderstanding of which concepts? *
1 point
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How will climate change affect Iowa? *
1 point
How does climate change affect agriculture in Iowa?
1 point
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What is the primary cause of climate change? *
1 point
What is the most common greenhouse gas? *
1 point
What is thermal expansion? *
1 point
Which of the statement(s) are true regarding the greenhouse effect?
1 point
The weather forecast says that a high pressure system is moving over Iowa City. What kind of weather can we expect?
1 point
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True or false: Climate change and global warming are interchangeable words. *
1 point
In the United States, why is the Pacific Ocean colder than the Atlantic Ocean (Remember L.O.W.E.R.)?
1 point
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True or false: Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide are asymmetrical and vibrate due to infrared light?   *
1 point
What percentage of scientists agree that climate change is human caused?
1 point
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Where does wind come from *
1 point
True or false: places closer to the North and South poles = hotter temperatures *
1 point
Why is "a pink sky at night" a sailors delight? *
1 point
Which is the best example of albedo? *
1 point
True or False: Until recent history, carbon dioxide levels have never risen above 300 ppm in the last 800,000 years.
1 point
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If Iowa experiences a few days of warm weather within their typical sub-zero winter temps, where can we guess it came from? *
1 point
True or False: Melting glaciers on Greenland, an island, contribute to sea level rise. *
1 point
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