Razeen Nasar judging form!
If you hate me lmk! if you don't hate me also lmk :). Also question at top for debaters who want me to stop RFD for whatever reason but don't want to say directly to me because that is scary to say to someone in position of power in a debate round. all questions are optional. fill out ones you want
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Stop with RFD pls <3
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How was my judging overall?
Horrible(I will strike you)
I love you!
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How much did I show I was engaged
seemed not present
Very attentive!
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Do you feel my decision had intervention that was unfair/unpredictable.
very intenventionist
Make choices only on flow
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How much of my paradigm did you read?
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did my paradigm make sense?
Might as well be in bangala
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Did I stick to my paradigm in my decision?
Not at all
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In round was I welcoming and did you feel comfortable
shat my pants
yeah was fine
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Did my decision come across as having a superiority complex?
narccicistic mofo
Humble mofo
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What did I do well as a judge?
What did I do poorly as a judge?
if one of your teammates had me as a judge in a round after,what would say about my judging?
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