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Up All Night 2025: Panel Suggestion Survey
Welcome! Thank you for participating in our Up All Night: A Drama Convention! Please help us create a more engaging experience by filling out this survey below!
ありがとう! 감사합니다! 谢谢! ขอบคุณ!
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What is your email address?
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Where did you hear about the UAN Convention?
Attended previous UpAllNight Convention(s)
Email Newsletter
Discord Sponsor Servers (Asian Dramas, Demonic Cultivation Cult, Drama Café, DramaManiacs, Cdramas + Variety Show)
Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr)
Other Social Media - Please Specify
Other Discord Server - Please Specify
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Do you plan to register for the 2025 convention? (Dates: July 11 - 13, 2025)
Yes, I can't wait!
Not yet, but I will soon!
I'm still deciding
No, I have a previous engagement.
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