214007 ENGLISH FOR COMMUNICATION -End Semester Examinations April 2022
End Semester Examinations April 2022
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1. Communication is ______________ *
2 points
2. Blind people use ______________ language. *
2 points
3. Listening is an ______________ skill *
2 points
4. Active Listening is a *
2 points
5. A,E,I,O,U are *
2 points
6. Vocabulary can be improved through *
2 points
7. Problems faced by students while speaking English is *
2 points
8. ______________ you thirsty? *
2 points
9. English alphabets have ______________ pronunciation *
2 points
10. To converse with confidence one must develop ______________ skill *
2 points
11. Listening skills increases communication and saves _____________ *
2 points
12. It is difficult to focus on reading if you are *
2 points
13. A statement must end with a *
2 points
14. We _____________ an excellent movie yesterday *
2 points
15. He will call you later. This is in *
2 points
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