Queer Bible Study Interest Form
Hi there! We're so glad that you are interested in joining our bible study this fall. We hope for this to be a space for queer and trans folks to explore their relationship to the Good News found in teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. This semester, we'll be focusing on his deceptively-short and spiritually-profound Parables -- stories like that of the Mustard Seed where he teaches on the big questions about our faith and life together. If you have any questions, feel free to be in touch with one of our facilitators, The Rev. Cody Sanders, at revcody@mit.edu. We can't wait to meet you! 
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Name *
Preferred Gender Pronouns *
Email *
School & Year *
(ex: Havard College '24, MIT 2025)
Currently, we are planning on meeting from 7-8:15 on Thursday evenings over Zoom. Does this time work for you? *
Do you have need of any accommodations that you would like to share with us? 
With logistics out of the way, these questions are totally optional and just for us to get to know you!
What is one word (or constellation of words) that come to mind when you think of "holy"?
What is your favorite thing that you have seen/read/heard in the last month?
How are you feeling about this upcoming semester? 
Is there anything else that you would like us to know? (feel free to include scheduling or any other questions/concerns here)
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