Climate Action Week 2022 Event Feedback Form
Please fill out this form to provide helpful feedback about a Climate Action Week event, and be entered into the prize drawing! You may receive a prize drawing entry for up to 5 events you attend and submit a feedback form for during Climate Action Week! Prize drawing winners will be contacted via email and can choose between a solar backpack, waterproof bike bag, energy efficiency kit, or zero waste shopping kit.
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Email address (REQUIRED only if you would like to be entered into the prize drawing)
What is the name of the event you attended? (Refer to the Climate Action Week event calendar if needed) *
What is the event codeword? (The codeword will be provided by event hosts during the event. For events without a live host, or if you missed the codeword at the event, please email for the codeword. REQUIRED only if you would like to enter the prize drawing)
How did you hear about this event? *
How satisfied were you with this event? *
Not at all satisfied
Extremely satisfied
What is one thing you learned or gained by participating in this event that you will share with others?
Why did you choose to attend this event?
What is one thing about this event you would change, if anything?
Optional: Please provide any additional feedback about the event, including suggestions to improve accessibility and inclusivity in future years.
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