Village Hearth Cohousing - Resale Interest List
Resale Interest List

So, you are interested in joining Village Hearth Cohousing?  Fill out this form to be added to the list of people we notify when a home becomes available.  We will not share your information with sellers or other parties.

This VHC Resale Interest List is for the convenience of both sellers and buyers of property at Village Hearth Cohousing. This does not promise that a home will be available or will be sold to someone on the list.

We encourage you to subscribe to our monthly newsletter, so you can remain aware of what is going on at Village Hearth. Subscription information is below.  

If you wish to be taken off the VHC Resale Interest List, just let us know.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Name of Household Member #1 *
Email Address of #1 *
Pronouns 1
Birthdate 1 *
Phone 1
Name of Household Member #2 (if applicable)
Email Address of #2
Pronouns 2
Birthdate 2
Phone 2
Address/City/State/ZIP *
Preferred contact method(s)
When might you be interested in moving to Village Hearth?
Home sizes at Village Hearth
We have three different sizes of homes.  All have vaulted ceilings, big welcoming porches, and lots of windows (including 1 or 2 skylights).
A:  1 bedroom, 1 bath.  Small but very efficiently laid out!  641 sq.ft.
B:  2 bedrooms / 1 bath, 989 sq. ft.
C:  2 bedrooms / 2 baths, 1157 sq. ft.
What size home would you be interested in? (Check all that apply) *
What interests you about Village Hearth Cohousing? (Check all that apply)
We request that visitors be vaccinated against COVID, and wear a mask if requested.  Is this okay with you?
What skills, talents and interests do you have that you would like to share as a member of Village Hearth?
Anything else you'd like us to know?
The suggestions below allow you and the Community time to get to know each other better, so you can decide whether Village Hearth is the right place for you. The best way to get to know us is to get involved:

● Attend an online “Meet and Greet” to meet members and gather info about VHC
● Connect with individual members by email/phone/Zoom.  
● Read The Senior Cohousing Handbook, by Charles Durrett 
● Arrange for a tour of Village Hearth Cohousing in Durham, NC
● When you visit, you will be asked to submit a short bio and photo (for current members’ use only)

Further information can be found on our FaceBook page (VillageHearthCohousing) and our website
(   Reach out to us at .


To subscribe to our monthly Newsletter:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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