2024 CBC Volleyball Summer Camp Form
CBC Volleyball is excited to host a Summer Camp for Returning Players and Incoming Freshmen.  This camp will be ran by Coach Erbs and the rest of the Volleyball Coaching Staff plus Alumni of the program.  

Camp will run from Monday, July 15th to Thursday, July 18th from 6:30-8:30 each day.  

Camp will be $50 and include a CBC Volleyball T-Shirt.  

Payment can be made by three options:
- Venmo:  @alexerbs
- Mailed Check:  Made out to Alex Erbs;  CBC Volleyball, Attn:  Matt DeGreeff & Alex Erbs, 1850 De la Salle Drive, St. Louis, MO 63141
- Check or Cash:  Brought to camp
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Student Name *
Student Email *
Student Phone Number *
Guardian 1 Name *
Guardian 1 Email *
Guardian 1 Phone *
Guardian 2 Name
Guardian 2 Email
Guardian 2 Phone
Incoming Year in School *
Returning or New Player? *
If returning, how many years has your son played for CBC? *
Have your son played for a club team in the past 2 years? *
If so, which club(s) has he played for?
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Primary Position *
Secondary Position(s) *
Shirt Size *
Additional Comments
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