Habersham Village Neighborhood Alliance Feedback
The Executive Committee of the Habersham Village Neighborhood Alliance wants to hear from you!
Please let us know your thoughts in the following survey.

Our Mission Statement:
HVNA shall be a non-profit, non-partisan, incorporated entity and its purpose shall be to promote community spirit, common interests, quality of life and protection of our neighborhoods.
Email *
Do you live within the boundaries of the Habersham Village Neighborhood Alliance? (The boundaries of HVNA are: North – the north side of 56th Street South – the north side of DeRenne Avenue East – the west side of Waters Avenue West – the east side of Bull Street.) *
Physical Address
Do you own a business within the boundaries of the HVNA? *
The HVNA represents several historic neighborhoods- Abercorn Heights, Ardmore, Gould Estates, Lamara Heights, Olin Heights, and Ridgewood. We initially incorporated as Habersham Village Neighborhood Alliance, but could easily rename ourselves as an Association. Any Preference?
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Are you interested in becoming a member of the Habersham Village Neighborhood Alliance? *
What topics concern you about the neighborhood, feel free to check more than one!
What HNVA initiated activities would you be most likely to participate in? Check all that apply.
How often do you think the entire HVNA should meet?
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What would an 'ideal' neighborhood association meeting look like?
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What are good days for meetings (select all that generally work for you and your family)
Are you interested in becoming a committee member on any of the following Committees? Check all that apply.
Are you interested in serving on the Board of Directors for the HVNA?
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If Yes, any particular position?
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Do you think businesses should be Voting Members of HVNA?
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Anything else?
Finally, please share! Our Neighborhood Association is the strongest when we have many voices! Please forward as an email, or copy the link below to send to your neighbors via text or Facebook.
COPY THIS LINK TO SEND -- >  https://tinyurl.com/56dauns8
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