Medicaid Storm Assistance Form - Nursing Facilities, Home Health and Private Duty Nursing PROVIDERS
The Kentucky Department for Medicaid Services (DMS) is working to determine the needs Medicaid members and providers affected by flooding in eastern Kentucky on July 27-28, 2022. Your responses will give DMS the information it needs to provide relief to Medicaid providers and participants affected by this devastating event. 

If you have been affected by flooding but are unable to complete this survey online, please contact the 1915(c) Waiver Help Desk at (844) 784-5617 and choose option 6. A DMS staff member will ask you the questions and take down your answers over the phone.

If you are a member who receives Home Health or Private Duty Nursing and have been affected by flooding, please complete the member form at

If you are a family member trying to locate a Nursing Facility resident, please complete the form at
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I am filling this form out:
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Provider Agency Name
Provider Number (If available)
Provider County
Provider Address
Please let us know the best way to contact you at this time.
Services your agency provides (Check all that apply)
Please let us know the status of you and your staff members to the best of your knowledge.
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Home Health and PDN agencies: Have you been able to check on the members your serve?
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Home Health and PDN: If you have been able to check on your members, please let us know their status.
Did the building(s) where you provided services or conduct business sustain damage?
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If your building(s) sustained damage, how would you classify it?
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Are you able to provide services at this time?  
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Do you have all the supplies you need to provide  services? In particular, those needed to meet a member's immediate health needs such as oxygen, supplies for tube feedings, medications, etc.
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Nursing Facilities: Have you had to evacuate members due to flooding and/or flood damage? 
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Nursing Facilities: Have you been able to contact family members of all residents to let them know where their loved one has been moved? 
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Please tell us if there are any other barriers you have to providing services due to flooding. 
What else can DMS do to help you at this time?
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