Volunteer Advocate Application and Profile
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Volunteer Advocate for the Violence Prevention Center in Cook County, MN. This form is a combination of your application and a volunteer profile. You will be asked questions about yourself and about why you are interested in becoming a volunteer advocate. You do not need to have prior experience to become an advocate. Please contact the VPC for any questions or support completing this form.
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Email *
Please enter today's date. *
Name (First and Last) *
Do you live in the county full or part-time? *
Please share your phone number: *
Is it safe for us to contact you at this number and leave a message? *
Use this space to tell us why you are interested in becoming a Volunteer Advocate for the Violence Prevention Center: *
Based on what you know about advocacy, what are your top three strengths that will make you a good advocate? *
What is your defintion of boundaries? *
Cook County is a small community. What are your thoughts on confidentiality in a small community and the possibility of knowing a caller on the Support Line? *
Please describe any areas about which you may have strong feelings or would feel uncomfortable working with as an advocate (for example: abortion, cultural differences, spirituality, LGBT2QIA+ community, suicide, teenage sex, drug/alcohol use as coping, sex work, etc.) *
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